Talking to the trees, surrounded by living, breathing Life, even things dormant are very much alive on this illuminated morning. I ve been trained to reach for a choice few for what i seek, when Life has all i need -ALL I NEED! I need to do this walk every morning, open myself up to greater Life, accept what is given, get stagnant energy moving, then practice yoga meditation and find guidance for how to flow thru the day. Life has always been my inspiration, so how can i be inspired if not connected with it? I am in a peach tree's branches, soaking in the radiant light. Intense clear light, like in the desert. So much BS distraction devices to separate us from Life, from the real Living! Real living is felt, is sensed, is experiential! Anything else is not genuine connection! That BS has little place in my life, starting today (I proclaim as i sit atop this round bale of straw, looking out over all that i see) If I don't allow myself to get close enough, to sense and feel and do the dance, connection and uninhibited artistic expression can't be truly made. Immersion is what it takes, yet i am afraid of it now, for it is deemed selfish and taking attention from others to whom i have committed to attend. So in my commitments to people and to schedules, am i inhibiting myself with boundaries? Can i allow myself these freeing disciplines, these interactions on the deepest level? Is it Life toward? Let's see, what do i know about Life - um, yeah, its Life toward. Its pro-emergence, loving action - but harming no one? What is a Life of Love about? Living things sustain one another, in a web, a cycle of energy. They serve a purpose, and then move on. Its dynamic, moving, happening, unfolding, emerging. The idea of being in one place with one other is unnatural, unless mutually advantageous. I used to think that all i see and feel and am nourished and given by Life/by the universe, was just for me, special delivery. This way of thinking built my bond with the benevolent, providential Life, and encouraged my trust in it. It was indeed very personal, and indeed anything in Life worth experiencing has been deeply personal. All about me, no. Personal, yes. This is the unique way in which i experience and have come to know Life as sustaining provider. Why not now? Must i go into the wild to reconnect? The expectation of permanence and the judgment and the commitments can have a place in the life of one who seeks security, one who has a fixed, rather than growing, mindset. I couldn't care less about labels like "intelligence" "talent", but i am turned on by hidden talent emerging and connection with the intelligence of Life! Sent from Catch Notes for Android
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